Investing in prevention is a viable and cost effective policy option as it mitigates huge financial commitments required to address treatment and rehabilitation. It forms part of the continuum whereby linkage with treatment and rehabilitation are essential in the provision of comprehensive services colligated to drug abuse.
Prevention involves series of measures taken to educate and sensitize the populace about the dangers and harms associated with drug use. The goal is to prevent or delay the unset of drug use while equally encouraging abusers and addicts to seek help.
In the Gambia, DLEAG acting in conformity with Section 15 m & g of the Drug Control Act (DCA) 2003 respectively has been engaging in series of evidence based preventive drug demand reduction activities and programs.
The Public Relations office continues to spearhead these programs targeting varying audience and segments of society.
Working in partnership with relevant stakeholders, we conduct weekly radio talk shows over different radio stations across the country, School and Community sensitization programs, stakeholder’s consultation meetings, television programs, workshops, symposium and seminars.